Posts Tagged ‘concrete surface’

Halloween Chalk Art Day 1

October 28, 2014

The Drummoyne suburb has a lot of federation period homes, well kempt and restored to original condition. the streets are lined with the some very large and old trees, the footpaths are original concrete from around the turn of the century(1900-1920). This made the task of chalking an interesting challenge, the aggregate was multicolored stone pieces quarried from an old river deposit,this was my observation as most of the stones were rounded at the edges, the sand also seemed to be of a coarse grain, definitely not smooth beach sand. The small amount of erosion of the concrete surface was apparent and the corrugations were lined with a dark mossy layer, this gave the concrete a mid to dark gray appearance. This was not an ideal surface, still I love a challenge, I found a way to get the chalk to take regardless.

The first image is the “Look A Ghost” creeping out of the chasm.  I went for a short walk with Stephanie  to view the other sites for chalking, then when I arrived back I found out somebody had pilfered two of my chalk boxes, I learned my lesson very quickly, who can you trust? The local residents I met were wonderful and enjoyed the images, they were looking forward to seeing more pieces in the next couple of day, the kids were very excited to see ghosts and monsters.

So I thought I might have to improvise with the chalks I had left, graciously Stephanie went and bought a supply of chalk that would get me through the whole gig, thanks for saving the day. The second image “The Watchtower Monster”, was a response to the pilfered chalks, he’s looking pretty scary, the finished picture was bleached with sunlight, sorry about that. The final “Danger Hand” was tougher than it looks, the aggregate was extremely coarse, it was very hard to lay the chalk down.

The first day was a blast, despite the dramas, could have done more, just ran out of time . See you tomorrow regards Arto.

Look A Ghost


The Watchtower Monster


Danger Hand